Azure Data factory linked service – system managed service identity error
Error: Cannot connect to SQL Database:’’, Database: ”, User: ”. Check the linked service configuration is correct, and make sure the SQL Database firewall allows the integration runtime to access. Login failed for user ‘<token-identified principal>’., SqlErrorNumber=18456,Class=14,State=1, Activity ID: As per the error message, Data factory managed identity doesn’t have access to the azure SQL…
Copy and duplicate an Azure Analaysi Services cube with the same measures, calculations, etc
Steps:1) Configure storage settings2) backup the cube to the storage account location3) restore the cube with a different name(as you wants a duplicate cube here) from the storage location
Synapse – unable to create datalake storage account Gen2(error: There was an error trying to validate storage account name)
Go to Subscription–> on the search, look for “Resource providers” Select ‘Microsoft.Storage’ and on the top, click on “Register” Once we register “Microsoft.Storage”, it should resolve the storage error.
Synapse parametrize URL at activity level in CI/CD
Use the below block of code in the custom template-parameters-definition.json
Synapse parameterize all parameters at activity level in CI/CD
Use the below block of code in the custom template-parameters-definition.json
Synapse parameterize all pipeline parameters in ci/cd
Use the below block of code in custom template-parameters-definition.json