Synapse workspace deployment Error-  connect ENETUNREACH

February 18, 2023 0 By Bhargava


We have installed and added the synapse workspace deployment in our DevOps environment and created a release pipeline to push the ARM template (Development) to the Production environment. But during deployment, we are getting the below error.

[error]Encountered with exception:Error: Get workspace location error: Error: connect ENETUNREACH


Follow the below steps to resolve the issue.

  1. Navigate to Azure DevOps and go to releases, click the correct project, and edit it.
  2. Click on the stage that was failing, open the run agent task to deploy
  3. Click manage azure subscription and click manage service principal
  4. In Azure Portal, click on the expired registration, and click on the red error that has expired
  5. Click + new client secret and copy that new key
  6. Go back to DevOps
  7. Click edit on the screen of service connections (where we left at step 3) – (the subscript of the title here is Azure Resource Manager using service principal (manual))
  8. Paste that copied key in the field ‘Service principal key,’ and click ‘Verify and save’

Create a new service connection and try again.