Self hosted integration runtime consuming memory and not releasing
Here is a problem statment: The self hosted integration IR that we are using for copy activity is using all of the memory on the machine on which IR is hosted. It is not releasing memory Here are few things to check If your memory and CPU are consistently high then it could be due…
Dynamic Data sync between Azure synapse analytics to SQL server
We have a requirement to set up a pipeline in ADF that copy all tables of Azure synapse analytics to SQL server dynamically.It should select all tables dynamically from synapse analytics db and copy the same table at the destination SQL server. It should be set up as incremental load. This can be achieved by using…
Azure Data factory linked service – system managed service identity error
Error: Cannot connect to SQL Database:’’, Database: ”, User: ”. Check the linked service configuration is correct, and make sure the SQL Database firewall allows the integration runtime to access. Login failed for user ‘<token-identified principal>’., SqlErrorNumber=18456,Class=14,State=1, Activity ID: As per the error message, Data factory managed identity doesn’t have access to the azure SQL…